multiple sclerosis in children


soroor inaloo 1.associate professor of pediatric neurology, neonatal research center, pediatrics department, shiraz university of medical sciences, shiraz, iran

saeedeh haghbin fellow of pediatric icu, assistant professor of pediatrics, neonatal research center, pediatrics department, shiraz university of medical sciences, shiraz, iran


how to cite this article: inaloo s, haghbin s. multiple sclerosis in children. iran j child neurol. 2013 spring;7(2):1-10.   multiple sclerosis (ms) is the most important immune-mediated demyelinated disease of human which is typically the disease of young adults. a total of 4% to 5% of ms population are pediatric. pediatric ms is defined as the appearance of ms before the age of sixteen. about 80% of the pediatric cases and nearly all adolescent onset patients present with attacks typical to adult ms. approximately 97% to 99% of the affected children have relapsing-remitting ms, while 85% to 95% of the adults experience such condition. ms in children is associated with more frequent and severe relapses. treatment is the same as adults. we aimed to review the epidemiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment of ms in children.   references 1. lublin f. history of modern multiple sclerosis therapy. j neurol 2005 sep;252(suppl 3):iii3-iii9. review. 2. murray tj. robert carswell: the first illustrator of ms. int ms j 2009 sep;16(3):98-101. 3. kabat ea, glusman m, knaub v. quantitative estimation of the albumin and gamma globulin in normal and pathologic cerebrospinal fluid by immunochemical methods. am j med 1948 may;4(5):653-62. 4. kumar dr, aslinia f, yale sh, mazza jj. jean-martin charcot: the father of neurology. clin med res 2011 mar;9(1):46-9. 5. dawson jd. the histology of disseminated sclerosis.trans of the roy soc edinb. 1916;50:517-740. 6. gadoth n. multiple sclerosis in children. brain dev 2003 jun;25(4):229-32. review. 7. banwell bl. pediatric multiple sclerosis. curr neurol neurosci rep 2004 may;4(3):245-52. 8. renoux c, vukusic s, mikaeloff y, edan g, clanet m, dubois b, et al. natural history of multiple sclerosis with childhood onset. n engl j med 2007 jun 21;356(25):2603-13. 9. boiko a, vorobeychicle g, paty d, devonshire v, sondovnick d. early onset multiple sclerosis: a long longitudinal study. neurology 2002 oct 8;59(7):1006-10. 10. yavari mj, inaloo s, saboori s. multiple sclerosis in children: a review of clinical and paraclinical features in 26 cases. iran j child neurol 2008;2(4):41-46. 11. oksenberg jr, baranzini se, sawcer s, hauser sl. the genetics of multiple sclerosis: snps to pathways to pathogenesis. nat rev genet 2008 jul;9(7):516-26. 12. willer cj, dyment da, risch nj, sadovnick ad, ebers gc; 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iranian journal of child neurology

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